Take a CBCT scan of the patient with AXEOS
The first scan will provide the patient bone situation
Scan with the prosthesis in place that has dual scan markers
Make the diagnosis
Select patient in Sidexis 4 Software
Select Field of View and exposure mode on Axeos
Patient is positioned, and exposure started
Note for Full Arch
1. Scan patient wearing denture with radiopaque markers and a bite index to stabilize the denture and separate the jaws
2. Scan the denture alone (Dual Scan)
CBCT Scan is automatically sent to Sidexis 4
Clinician examines images
- Axeos - 3D Patient Positioning with Universal Bite Block
- mySimplant Planning Service: Scan preparations for fully edentulos case video
- mySIMPLANT Planning Service - Scan preparations for fully edentulous case Guideline
- Simplant Procedure Manual - (Step 2, 3 and 4)
- Axeos - Operating Instructions: Chapter 5
- Sidexis 4 manual: chapter 6 - 6.5